Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Scientology religion has, as one of its most basic principles, the respect of the religious beliefs of others.

Here is a statement form one of the Church's web sites on the subject:

e live in an age when the fear of terrorism and crime mandates restrictions on personal freedom to such an extent that it threatens to strangle the very life of the democracy it seeks to protect. It is a balancing act of public and private interests, involving great risk for the body politic and its citizenry.

For democracy to function legitimately, the governed must have the ability to gather accurate and timely information about the internal workings of their nation, and the reasons behind governmental action. History is scarred with the abuses that have transpired behind the veil of secrecy — and the first step toward totalitarianism and an oppressive police state usually includes the eradication of the means to scrutinise the conduct of officials.

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