Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Los Angeles Dianetics Foundation Holds New Dianetics Seminar

New Dianetics films make it simple for anyone to learn and use the techniques in self-help bestseller Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health.

A brand new Dianetics seminar was premiered last weekend on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood at the Hubbard Dianetics Foundation of the Church of Scientology of Los Angeles. Seventy-five Angelinos learned how easy it is to get the benefits from the book Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health.

The seminar, held in English and Spanish, followed on the heels of last month’s release of How to Use Dianetics—a state of the art, step-by-step, visual guide to L. Ron Hubbard’s legendary self-help bestseller.

Dianetics, which comes from the Greek words dia, meaning through and nous, soul, means, “what the soul is doing to the body through the mind.” Dianetics enables the individual to get rid of, irrational fears, unwanted sensations and emotions.

How to Use Dianetics consists of 18 short films, which illustrates specific Dianetics principles and techniques. With these new films, people new to the subject can easily learn what to expect from a Dianetics session and how to help another using this technology.

Following the presentation of the first of these films, an excerpt of which is available online at or, those attending the Dianetics seminar were paired up immediately to use what they learned, to help someone else and receive help themselves. Supervised by trained Dianetics specialists, the seminar participants gained first-hand experience with just how easy it is to resolve difficulties that were holding them back from achieving their full potential.

“I had big blank spots in my childhood,” said one attendee, “but now I have regained my ability to actually view the truth and enjoy life.” “I realized why I continued to get injuries in the same place,” said another person. “I no longer have to worry about going to work and getting hurt. What a relief!”

By the end of the two-day seminar those attending had a new perspective on why L. Ron Hubbard told readers of Dianetics, “You are beginning an adventure. Treat it as an adventure. And may you never be the same again.”

The new two-day Dianetics seminar will be offered every weekend at the Hubbard Dianetics Foundation of the Church of Scientology of Los Angeles at 4810 Sunset Boulevard. For more information the Dianetics site or call the Church of Scientology of Los Angeles at 323-953-3200.

A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights, are the aims of Scientology.~~~L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Scientology religion

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