Sunday, January 07, 2007

It's a New Year

Actually it's a whole WEEK into the new year, and it feels a lot longer ago than that, that I watched the Scientology New Years Eve event.

It was the most inspiring thing I've seen in ages.

For many years, as a Scientologist, I've been looking forward to the time that everyone would avail themselves of L. Ron Hubbard's technology.

I don't care whether a person is or is not a Scientologist, but I do care if someone is hopelessly lost in the mess we call the 21st Century vs. having some real tools to live a better, happier, more decent life.

It's a bit shocking to me to see how much our society has deteriorated over the past 60 years. I was born in 1947. Maybe it was a bit hypocritical, but when I was first going to movies, watching TV, the stories were largely about ethical decisions and people making the right choices.

Granted we'd just come through a helacious war where people's inhumanity to one another was so shocking it left most people who lived through it reeling.

And we were living under the daily threat of nuclear war.

And people were cheating on their husbands and wives then just as they have all down through history.

But the people we ideolized were those who were ethical.

I feel that society has deteriorated a lot.

I had a dream when I was a teenager and just into my 20's. I really thought we'd entered the Age or Aquarious, and that all it would take was waiting for everyone to realize it and it would all get better.


But back the what I was saying to begin with. There is so much in Scientology that you can USE to live a better life, to be happier, to help the people who mean the most to you, to CHANGE things that NEED changing.

And there is no downside.

That may seem impossible, but I'm telling you it's true. And it is really worth checking out.

I recommend the newly restored DVD An Introduction to Scientology - an interview with L. Ron Hubbard. It will give you a really good idea of what Scientology is, and what you stand to gain from it.

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