Sunday, June 04, 2006

Priscilla in Australia

I was reading one of my favorite blogs today to see if there was any Scientology religion news and found something I didn't expect -- Priscilla Presley was in Australia. I only found out as she was leaving to go back to the States to attend the dedication of a new Narconon center in Michigan.

In the course of this I also found a new Scientology blog I really like. It's the Create Expressions blog, and reading through that I was reminded of how excited Mr. David Miscavige was to announce that Narconon Arrowhead is working on opening a center where they can train many more people to open new Narconons.

Drugs is such a problem all over the world, and Mr. Miscavige made the point that training those who will open new centers, Narconon can increase its capability to help by an enormous amount.

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